Archeologist Luxil Capi has been hired to recover the pieces of an old technological artifact scattered across the ruined of Old Neocity. The young rebel will be unstoppable, with her fists and remote drones giving kinetic hacks, and the remote drone also doing more conventional hacks, alongside what can be found in the old city, now old power plant. Recover the 11 pieces, avoid the remaining defense drones, and obtain the infinite power it possesses.

For a second ever game & game jam, this isn't completely terrible. Probably significantly lower in quality compared to the majority of submissions, but fuck it. There are some notable flaws, both in gameplay and in how I coded it, but as a second project, not bad. Might update with post-jam version with added polish, QOL, cleaning up presentation of story, but that depends on how I feel about this project over the next couple of days.
If you encounter any bugs, please report them in the comments.

Currently known bugs:

  • Music for at least main menu in HTML5 features weird sound artifacts. Not sure how.


TechnologyArcheology (Windows) 88 MB


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Nice work!  :D  I like the floating mechanic.

where's the game?

I was doing a quick update, and somehow it didn't save. Thanks for letting me know, it should be working now.